The Thief of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep

The audio version of this review was first shared in Episode 61: A Bookchat about The Sound of Light with Sarah Sundin & a Review of The Thief of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep.


Constable Jackson Forge intends to make the world safer, or at least the streets of Victorian London. But that’s Kit Turner’s domain, a swindler who runs a crew that acquires money the old-fashioned way—conning the rich to give to the poor. When a local cab driver goes missing, Jackson is tasked with finding the man, and the only way to do that is by enlisting Kit’s help. If Jackson doesn’t find the cabby, he’ll be fired. If Kit doesn’t help Jackson, he’ll arrest her for thievery. Yet neither of them realize those are the least of their problems.

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A Bookchat about The Sound of Light with Sarah Sundin & a Review of The Thief of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep.

Sarah Sundin joins us for a chat about her two rescue dogs, her favorite time period, and her latest release The Sound of Light. Don’t forget to enter to win a copy of this great book!

For today’s Pinch of the Past, we’re looking at three hero dogs of World War Two, the largest of which was a 150 lb. Newfoundland and the smallest a 4 lb. Yorkshire Terrier.

Today’s Bookworm Review is bought to you by Angela Bell. “The Thief of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep, is a rollicking adventure from beginning to end! With edge-of-your-seat action and Dickensian flair, Griep has created a fun story that will transport readers to the Victorian Era.” (Full review here.)

Connect with Sarah Sundin: Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, BookBub, and Instagram.

A Book-chat about The Bride of Blackfriar’s Lane with Michelle Griep & a Review of Until Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin

Join Christy Award-winning author Michelle Griep for a chat about her novel The Bride of Blackfriar’s Lane, and don’t forget to enter to win a copy of this great book!

Continue reading “A Book-chat about The Bride of Blackfriar’s Lane with Michelle Griep & a Review of Until Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin”

Episode 35: Guest Elizabeth Musser & a Review of  Lost in Darkness by Michelle Griep

Interview: Our featured book today is By Way of the Moonlight. ELIZABETH MUSSER writes ‘entertainment with a soul’ from her writing chalet—tool shed—outside Lyon, France. Find more about Elizabeth and her novels at and on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and her blog.

Continue reading “Episode 35: Guest Elizabeth Musser & a Review of  Lost in Darkness by Michelle Griep”

Ep. 2: Guest Michelle Griep and a Review of Veiled in Smoke

Join KyLee and Kendy for a chat with author Michelle Griep, professing Anglophile and Sci-Fi geek. It is open season as we discuss dogs, homeschooling, castles, and even where she got her story idea for her latest book. If you haven’t read one of Michelle’s books, you are missing out. Her love of all things England and unique authorial voice infuse every tale she weaves. Be sure to check out her revealing website at and then jump over to pick up her newest release, The Thief of Blackfriars Lane HERE.

Pinch of the Past brings you surprising 19th century amusements like the velocipede (don’t you just love to say that?), ratting, roller skating, and courting. Speaking of courting, CLICK HERE for a movie clip from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and you’ll understand what we’re talking about! 

Our Bookworm Review brings you Jocelyn Green’s fiery 2020 release, Veiled in Smoke, first in the “Windy City Saga” series. Book Two, Shadows of the White City just released this month. Take a look at Jocelyn’s other gripping books about faith and courage at