A Bright Future at Historical Bookworm

After much prayer and consideration, Historical Bookworm is moving forward with plans of expanding our reach through additional media and literary outlets. We’re looking at including a biweekly newsletter, podcast transcripts, and a blog post to go with each episode instead of the typical show notes. 

If you like the show but maybe you don’t have time to listen or perhaps you want more from the podcast, Historical Bookworm Newsletter is for you. We will include things like photos from the Pinch of the Past, additional book reviews, and giveaways.

Another change you will notice is that of one of our hosts. Kendy Pearson is moving on to other endeavors in the writing industry. While wishing Kendy the best and supporting her in every way we can, I am thrilled to have Miss Darcy Fornier joining me as cohost.

Darcy is a historical/fantasy fiction author, history lover, and Christian. You can find out more about her at DarcyFornier.com. You can subscribe to Historical Bookworm Newsletter by following this link.

Episode 5: Guest Melanie Dobson & a Review of All Through the Night

Join us for a chat with award-winning author, Melanie Dobson. You’ll enjoy hearing this delightful historical and time-slip author share about her experience with adoption, her latest release, and more. Find out more about Melanie and her latest release, The Curator’s Daughter, on her website MelanieDobson.com

A Pinch of the Past presents a few interesting historical tidbits about a general, queen, wrestler turned president, and a female sniper. You just never know what you’ll find when you look into history beyond what we read in textbooks.

Our Bookworm Review brings you Tara Johnson’s January release, All Through the Night. You can find our interview with Tara on episode 3 of the Historical Bookworm Show. For more on Tara, go to her website TaraJohnsonStories.com

Episode 4: Guest Jocelyn Green and a Review of Tidewater Bride

Join us for a chat with Christy Award-winning author, Jocelyn Green. You’ll enjoy getting to know this ordinary, tea-drinking, scrabble-playing mom as we discuss historical World Fair surprises and how she weaves elements from her own life into her novels to inspire faith and courage. Find out more at jocelyngreen.com and discover her recent February release, Shadows of the White City, Book two in The Windy City Saga Series.

Since this episode airs during spring break, a Pinch of the Past presents some interesting tidbits about this time of year, from the Mayans to 1938 Fort Lauderdale mayhem. Plus, a word of warning: After this episode, you might find yourself looking for an excuse to barbeque!

Our Bookworm Review brings you bestselling author Laura Frantz’s January release, Tidewater Bride. Take a look at all eleven of Laura’s 18th century historical novels at laurafrantz.net

Episode 3: Guest Tara Johnson and a Review of Boundless

Join us for an interview with the delightful Tara Johnson as she shares her beautiful gift of story in her sweet southern way. Tara says history is crammed full of fascinating characters—flawed, wounded humans battling their demons with vibrant determination. You’ll find her characters reflect your own struggles, wounds, and needs—and her stories ever remind us to Whom we need turn for healing. Find Tara at TaraJohnson.com and discover her newest novel, All Through the Night, released in January. It is her third Civil War novel.

A Pinch of the Past introduces crazy 19th century clothing terms and Victorian slang. From unwhisperables and shadbellies to gigglemugs and umble-cum-stumble, you’ll find a fun word to add to your historical vocabulary. 

Our Bookworm Review brings you Tamara Leigh’s 2021 medieval release, Boundless, book six of her “Age of Conquest” series. Explore the rest of Tamara’s books at TamaraLeigh.com 

Ep. 2: Guest Michelle Griep and a Review of Veiled in Smoke

Join KyLee and Kendy for a chat with author Michelle Griep, professing Anglophile and Sci-Fi geek. It is open season as we discuss dogs, homeschooling, castles, and even where she got her story idea for her latest book. If you haven’t read one of Michelle’s books, you are missing out. Her love of all things England and unique authorial voice infuse every tale she weaves. Be sure to check out her revealing website at MichelleGriep.com and then jump over to pick up her newest release, The Thief of Blackfriars Lane HERE.

Pinch of the Past brings you surprising 19th century amusements like the velocipede (don’t you just love to say that?), ratting, roller skating, and courting. Speaking of courting, CLICK HERE for a movie clip from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and you’ll understand what we’re talking about! 

Our Bookworm Review brings you Jocelyn Green’s fiery 2020 release, Veiled in Smoke, first in the “Windy City Saga” series. Book Two, Shadows of the White City just released this month. Take a look at Jocelyn’s other gripping books about faith and courage at JocelynGreen.com.

Episode 1: Guest Sarah Sundin and a Review of Mountain Laurel

Join us for an interview with Sarah Sundin, writer extraordinaire of World War II drama, daring, and romance. She discusses her latest release and what she’s discovered along her journey in researching World War II. You won’t want to miss this delightful, personal glimpse into our guest as Sarah sheds her author cap for real-life tales. You may be quite surprised! Check out Sarah’s website, Sarahsundin.com for all things Sarah–books, speaker information, maps, and more! And don’t forget to pick up her brand new release, When Twilight Breaks right HERE!

A Pinch of the Past enlightens you with the amazing origins of a myriad of wedding-related customs, like the Best Man, wedding rings, honeymoons, and more. 

Our Bookworm Review brings you Lori Benton’s fabulous 2020 release of Mountain Laurel, Book One of the Kindred series. Book Two, Shiloh, will be available in October of this year. Find Mountain Laurel HERE. And check out the rest of this author’s incredible books about frontier faith and fiction at LoriBenton.com.