2024, Here We Come

Hello and welcome to another season of the Historical Bookworm Show. We are so blessed to be on the air, chatting with authors, and sharing such amazing historical books.

Current giveaways include:

We Three Kings: A Romance Christmas Collection– ends on January 8 

Until Then by Cindy and Erin Woodsmall – Jan. 14

Here is a transcript of when Darcy and I shared a little of our personal life.

KyLee: So, Darcy, hello. Can you share what is going on in your life?

Darcy: Well, to tell the truth, a lot of going to work has been going on in my life. But, something more festive—down here in St. Augustine, as I’ve mentioned before, we have the Nights of Lights from about the middle of November to the end of January.

So the whole historic district downtown is done up somewhere upward of 3 million lights and it’s beautiful, absolutely magical. The shop that I manage has been staying open later and all that good stuff. So, it’s been really fun to, you know, kind of be a part of this community endeavor, which is great for our city.

And also, it’s just so much fun to be part of people’s Christmas celebrations. So, I’ve actually really enjoyed that. It’s been great for my Christmas-loving heart, but next year I am looking forward to hopefully a trip to Guatemala for business. With the fair trade shop, the owner usually travels to a couple of countries a year, on buying trips, and I get to go this year. So, I’m super excited. I will come back all bubbly full of hopefully cool things to share with you guys.

Darcy: How about you, KyLee? What’s up these days?

KyLee: Well, my family and I are mostly settled here in Texas. We lived here from 2012 to 2016, so when my kids were much younger. And so, we were established in a really lovely church. We’ve returned, and it’s just like going home. If the doors are open, we are there.

When we lived in Oregon, it was such a struggle sometimes to get my kids to go to youth group. Here, not so. For example, they didn’t have youth last Wednesday night after Christmas. Seven o’clock rolls around and my son was like, “We’re gonna be late for church!” and I was like, “Honey, we’re not having church. You know, because the holidays.” and he was like, “Well who made up that rule?” LOL

KyLee: So, we are having a wonderful time being at church, and then also spending time with my husband’s family. My oldest was in second grade when we left Texas, and now she’s a sophomore. It’s amazing to see my children get reacquainted with their cousins.

We are also loving Waco! There are so many things to do. It’s just so beautiful. I work not far from Magnolia. We’ve gone to the Dr. Pepper Museum. And Baylor is just amazing! There’s so many things to see there. And so, yeah, it’s been great!


As we dive into this new season, we’re going to try to add bloopers every so often, because we have so much fun on this show. And there are so many random things that happen and we get a kick out of them. So, hopefully, we’ll be sharing a few of those things here and there.


Not sure why it says we’ve been at it since Dec. 2023. LOL. But, there are the stats. 🙂
  • Total downloads 13.2K
  • 87 total episodes

For more data on Historical Booworm, follow this link.

Support the show with a cup of coffee!

This is a completely independent podcast that supports our Christian Book Association by promoting historical authors. We do have a number of operating expenses that peek up, especially at the beginning of the year. KyLee and I make no profit whatsoever. We are happy to have this opportunity to bring you an inside look at the authors and their books.

 If you want to support the show with a one-time gift that costs as little as one cup of coffee, you can now do so. Just go to: BuyMeACoffee.com/HistoricalBookworm 

Themes for this year

“Dream: the 6 Stages of Faith” by Rick Warren

If you’re a believer, God will work throughout your life to grow your faith. In fact, there’s a six-phase process of faith—a dream, decision, delay, difficulty, dead end, and deliverance—that God will take you through again and again to develop your character and help you fulfill the dream he has given you. Find out more at PastorRick.com/series/created-to-dream/ 

Preview of next spring

Authors you can expect to hear on the show include: Laura Frantz, Jamie Olge, Sarah Sundin, Amanda Wen, and our very own Angela Bell. you have probably heard her lovely voice on the show. She writes for our review team! You will also hear from Tracie Peterson, Kimberley Woodhouse, Erin Bartels, Joanna Davidson Politano, and Jaynre Tromp.

Call to action: What questions might you want to ask our future guests? Connect with us at KyLee@Historicalbookworm.com 

A new year always brings unforeseen adventures, some lovely, some less so. Whatever your year brings, we pray you hold to hope in the hard spots and overflow with joy on the sunny days. And may your reading hour always be uninterrupted.

Connect with us

Episode 52: A Christmas Special & a Bookchat about O Little Town with Janyre Tromp

In today’s episode, we are joined by Janyre Tromp for a chat about our favorite Christmas stories historical and recently released, including the novella set Janyre is a part of, O Little Town

Janyre is a historical novelist who loves spinning tales that, at their core, hunt for beauty, even when it isn’t pretty. She’s also a book editor, published children’s book author, and lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with her family, two crazy cats, and a slightly eccentric Shetland Sheepdog.

Here is a little about Janyre’s novella “While Mortals Sleep.”

While World War II rages overseas, news reporter Eleanor Sweers returns home to Mapleview to face the repercussions of the death of her sister and her nightmare of Christmases past. But the homefront isn’t as far from the war as she thought: a bomb has landed in the middle of the U.S. Now Eleanor and family friend Gideon Braum may have to choose between the scoop of a lifetime and the love of a lifetime.

Connect with Janyer: Newsletter, Amazon, Website, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.

Connect with Janyer on Instagram

Listener Recommended Christmas Book List

  1. Mistletoe Countess by Pepper Basham 
  2. A Texas Christmas Carol by Karen Witemeyre 
  3. A Christmas Promise: A Victorian Christmas Novella by Gabrielle Meyer
  4. Five n Dime Christmas from Barbour 
  5. The Unbroken Song by Jennifer Q. Hunt
  6. Michelle Griep’s Once Upon a Dickens Christmas 
  7. Joy to the World novella collection by Erica Vetsch, Amanda Barratt, and Carolyn Miller.
  8. A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs 
  9. An Endless Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti.
  10. The Sugarplum Ladies by Carrie Fancett Pagels
  11. While Mortals Sleep by Janyre Tromp part of the O Little Town novlella set
  12. The Christmas Book by Lynn Austin
  13. Christmas at Carnton by Tamera Alexander
  14. The Matchmaker’s Gift: by Lynda Cohen Loigman
  15. Holly’s Homecoming by Jenny Knipfer
  16. The Woodcarver’s Snow-kissed Christmas by Izzy James
  17. A Husband for Christmas Margaret Tanner
  18. The Doctor’s Daughter 
  19. Gabriel’s Gift by Susan Baganz
  20.  Yesterday’s Christmas by A.M. Heath 
  21. A Hill Country Christmas: Hope for Hardscrabble Times by Lynn Dean, Gail Kittleson, Michael Barr, Gina Lister, & Shannon McFarland
  22. Christmas Roses by Amanda Joy Cabot
  23.  Christmas at Whitefriars by  Elizabeth Camden
  24. An Ivy Hill Christmas by Julie Klassen
  25. Victorian Christmas Brides Collection
  26. Giver of Wonders by Roseanna White. 
  27. The Christmas Melody by Shanna Hatfield
  28. Holiday Hope by Shanna Hatfield
  29. Holiday Heart by Shanna Hatfield
  30. Holiday Home by Shanna Hatfield
  31. Christmas at the Inn by Ashley Clark Book
  32. A Log Cabin Christmas: 9 Historical Romances during American Pioneer Christmases by Margaret Brownley, Wanda E. Brunstetter, Kelly Eileen Hake, Liz Johnson , Jane Kirkpatrick, Liz Tolsma, Michelle Ule, Debra Ullrick, Erica Vetsch
  33. Christmas on King Street by Ashley Clark
  34. Christmas at the Inn by Ashley Clark

Preview: Fall 2022

Announcements include more frequent shows, additional guests on the Bookworm Review and Pinch of the Past, and some new team members.

Guests you can expect to listen to on the shows include: Misty M. Beller, Stephenia H. McGee, Bryan Litfin, Amy Lynn Green, Tessa Afshar, Julie Klassen, Grace Hitchcock, and Narelle Atkins.

We have also expanded out bookworm review team. Christy Janes is a blogger, reviewer, and artist. She is the owner and creator of Bliss, Books, & Jewels. You can connect with her at BlissBooksAndJewels.com  ECPA bestselling author Angela Bell is a 21st century lady with 19th century sensibilities.  AuthorAngelaBell.com

Connect with Darcy on her website, Instagram, and Facebook.

Connect with KyLee on her website, Instagram, and Facebook.

Special Episode: Story Fest 2022


Our guest today is an award winning fiction and non fiction author, Cynthia Ruchti. She serves as Professional Relations Liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers, and shares a very special event on this episode.

Created with Christian Fiction Reader-Fans in mind: the 2022 ACFW Storyfest! Come be part of our inaugural year of hosting ACFW Storyfest (formerly the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat). It all takes place Thursday, September 8, 2022 afternoon-Saturday, September 10, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information go to www.ACFWStoryfest.com